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I am a Yankee carpetbagger from northern Pennsylvania living in Georgia... specifically the Atlanta metro.

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Location: Roswell, Georgia, United States

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Sick of being sick.

What the Hell is going on here? I've been sick for two weeks or more. It's really getting old. You may ask - "Did you go to the doctor?" No, no I didn't. It started out as just a common cold, so I thought and it's lingered forever! Actually, from my research, I think it was the flu. It hit me hard with fever, chills, sweats and then congestion in my lungs with this annoying cough that never stops. It's a ticklish, dry hack that hurts my head when I cough. When I woke up this morning I felt pretty good and thought that today was the day it was going to end... now I don't think so. They say this crap can last for weeks. All the doctor is going to do is give me something to soothe my cough. The bad part about it is that the wife and son have it also and I'm wondering if we are just passing it back and forth to each other? I don't even know if that can be done. I blame it on one of them. Either the wife got it from work or the boy got it from them damn kids in preschool. Damn, he only goes there two days a week but it seems he catches something every other week. We usually keep him out if he's sick but, I took him anyway this week. The only sign that he was sick was the awful cough he has. I said screw it! Let him get those other damn little bastards sick. Serves them right for passing it on to my kid. Honestly though, he's on the downhill slide. His snot is clear and the cough is really not that bad.
My Grandfather would have had some home remedy that he would suggest and it probably would have worked. Something like, eat leek soup for three days straight and wash it down with some cold beer. He was rarely sick. Let that be a lesson to all... LISTEN to your elders!


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