Sometimes I'm such a dumb ass.
My poor son. Okay, I'll set up the scene... today was a school day. I'm in a good mood, the boy is in a good mood and things are humming along just fine. I get breakfast ready for the two of us, I'm showered/dressed and picking a few things up before the maid comes. Done with breakfast, clean the boy up and get him dressed, while he watches Sesame Street. I'm thinking to myself, things are going well this morning. I'm not rushing around - the boy is co-operating. Now, the reason I tell you this is because, usually, I'm running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. The boy has never been really late to school, but there are times when he's the last one there. We arrive at school and as I'm getting him out of the truck I notice some of his classmates next to us getting out of their vehicle. They are twins, a boy and a girl. It's usually very chaotic in the mornings, with all the kids and parents all over the place. I always pay attention though, to the twins, because their grandparents bring them. The grandparents ALWAYS look completely frazzled and rightly so. The twins are a handful but, what can you expect? They're 2 1/2 years old. So, I say hey to the grandma and take a glance at the kids and say to myself... "What the Hell?" The girl is still in her pajamas. She's got these huge slippers on with some cartoon character sticking out of her toes. She's crying and the grandma is trying to soothe her. The grandpa then comes around the side of the vehicle with the boy and he's got pajamas on too! The kid looks like he has just gotten out of bed. His hair is all disheveled and and he's screaming that he doesn't want to go to school. The grandpa looks completely disgusted and he's trying to juggle a screaming kid and he's got a container full of snacks for the class. We exchanged "Hi's!" and I grabbed my boys hand and we head into the school. As we are climbing the stairs, I'm thinking - "Ms. Sandy(teacher) is going to be really pissed off that those kids are still in their pajamas. Who's going to dress them?" I decide, oh well, it's not my problem. The co-administrators greet the boy and I as we walk down the hall, but I notice, they look at me kind of strangely. We arrive at the classroom and what do my wondering eyes see? A room full of kids with PAJAMAS on! Teachers too! Of course, teachers and parents alike are staring at me. I'm sure they were thinking, "Kid, your Dad is a dumb ass". I looked at the teacher and she gave me the same look as the day I had forgotten it was Picture Day. She said "Don't worry about it" and I replied "If any one would forget, it would be me"- which prompted some stifled laughs from the perfect "soccer moms". Fortunately, the boy was completely oblivious to it. He just immediately started playing. As, I was driving home I called my wife at work and told her the story and we both had a good laugh at my expense... oh well.
The following are a few photo's from Christmas Eve, showing the pig and Santa.

The following are a few photo's from Christmas Eve, showing the pig and Santa.
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